1. You must be a full financial member of the Club to ride.
2. Club membership proof must be carried with you at all times and presented to the club members or officials upon request.
4. You ride at your OWN risk.
5. No riding outside of permitted hours. These are posted on the gate and the club website
6. No camping is permitted unless by permission of the Club management .
7. Bins are provided for rubbish, please use them.
8. Gates MUST be locked at all times. It is your responsibility to re-lock the gate upon entry and departure. If you leave the gate open and a non-member enters the track you could be fully liable if an incident occurs.
9. You must obey all officials & Committee requests at all times.
10. You MUST personally inspect the track before riding. Ensure the conditions are safe and acceptable for riding.
11. Fully approved Helmet, goggles, boots, gloves, protective clothing is to be worn at all times whilst riding.
12. Riding on race circuit ONLY in an ANTICLOCKWISE direction. No cutting the track or partial laps permitted.
13. Sign on sheets are to be signed prior to you taking the track for practice. These are located in a locked box in the pit area.
14. No alcohol in the pit area and No BYO.
15. Persons are NOT to cross the track while riding is in progress.
16. AMBULANCE COVER is essential, No liability is accepted by the club.
17. All persons under eighteen (18) must be accompanied by an adult family member or guardian.
18. There are to be no modifications to the track.
19. There is no abusive language or antisocial behavior between members or officials whilst at the club facility or over social media.
20. Bikes are to be ridden at walking pace through the pit areas.
21. No riding anywhere other than the race circuit and the pit area.
22. No consumption of alcohol whilst riding or riding under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
23. Child spectators are to be supervised by parent or guardian at all times.
24. No riding when the temperature is 38 degrees or above due to fire risk.
25. If a fire/ movement ban is in place there is to be no riding at the track.
26. Exit the track via the Pit return lane to the pits.
27. Report any track damage, large debris or building damage or vandalism to the clubs committee immediately.
28. Never ride on your own or without someone spectating.
29. Members using the track must comply with the following Bike Safety Requirements:
• Handle bar ends are to be plugged.
• Brake levers are complete and have no sharp edges.
• Front and rear brakes are in working order.
• Throttle returns to idle position.
• No “Barkbusters” aluminium style hand guards allowed. Soft plastic “Roost” guards are permitted.
• No registration plates to be affixed to bikes
• Side stands are to be removed
• Glass headlights to be covered/taped.
• No loose, sharp or damaged plastics, parts or equipment is attached to the bike.
• Spokes are all attached and tightened.
• Wheel, head and swingarm bearings are in a satisfactory condition.
• Drive chain is within manufacturer's tolerance and does not have excessive wear.
• The club reserves the right to refuse a bike/rider due to safety concerns for the rider or other participants, officials and
30. In keeping with the clubs Environmental Plan and for the future of our track, members must comply with the following:
• No Servicing of motorcycles, vehicles and equipment inclusive of but not limited to oil changes, fork oil changes and any
activity that would cause oils, greases and other contaminants to foul the club grounds.
• No tyres from any vehicle to be left at the club facilities without expressed permission from the SCMC committee.
• No removal of or damage to vegetation without the expressed permission from the SCMC committee.
• All rubbish is to be placed in the bins.
•Tear offs are not permitted on the track.
Breach of these rules may result in suspension or expulsion from the club.
First offence will receive 1 Warning (excluding rule 3)
Second offence will receive membership revoked for the season.
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